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After reading his book, I recently interviewed Fred Klein, M.D., the author of The Bisexual Option, published by Arbor House. Fred Klein is a practicing psychiatrist in New York City... in his mid-40s... tall, tweedy, outgoing and confident. His book on bisexuality seems to be a first of its kind. Libraries have no book on bisexuality. The Index Medicus for 1975 articles on bisexuality. Yet as Klein strongly points out with a forceful body language to match his words-30-45% of the male population to the United States can be classified as bisexual there are from five to ten times as many bisexuals as homosexuals in America ... and between two and ten percent of all married Americans are bisexual.

Surprising facts to me anyway but as Klein, in person and in the book points out, "bisexuals" are the easiest group to hide their sexuality and the hardest group to identify, for obvious reasons. Socially, you'll find them in "mixed" company with a wife or girlfriend on their armor boyfriend and husband and in the homosexual or lesbian world the bisexual rarely admits that they have any heterosexual relationships. This we can all understand. The "straights" would not accept 'this departure from their "norm"

and the "gays" would be distrustful and suspicious of anyone who leads this "double life." "So if you think that the

100% gays have it rough in fin-

ding acceptance in a predominantly straight world, imagine what the bisexuals go through."

Klein, drawing from his own case histories, reproduces frank conversation to depict candid profiles of both male and female bisexuals. Delving into sociology, psychology, history, literature and art, The Bisexual Option examines who the


By Aaron Ross

bisexuals are, what they think, what others think of them, why their dual sexuality is considered threatening to both heterosexuals and homosexuals, and finally, how bisexuality may be a far more significant alternative than most have heretofore been willing to acknowledge. What makes a person a bisexual? Family? Friends? Orientation? Dissatisfaction with the sex one has? These and many more questions were answered by Klein and I am not going to attempt to cover them here, but he mentioned that he will be appearing on "Jabberwocky," a public service talk show that's broadcast on WMMS (101-FM) on Sunday, April 16th at 8:30 a.m. If you happen to be up on Sunday morning on that date (which is very unlikely) you can hear Dr. Klein talk about his book and this subject. My opinion of the book-it's something every High Gear reader should read because it sheds some needed light on an area of sexuality that many of us have encountered either personally or in others. Many readers may scoff and declare "there is no such thing as bisexuality a person is either straight or gay." I say read the book and look around you. The gay you met the other day might be having a very satisfactory straight sex relationship and vice versa the straight you see in your office might one day bump into you at a bar or bath. i welcome your

comments on this subject.

Please write to me c/o High Gear and (with your permission name withheld if you wish) we'll reprint your comments in the next issue. I personally feel that we do all kinds of individuals an injustice by not accepting the many facets of gay and straight in our society. Shades of gray-no black or white we are all of that. A book like The Bisexual Op-




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Outreach to the Gay Community" Services: 2 PM Sunday at 3300 Morewood Road (across from Summit Mall)

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picture By Peggy Schiffer

tion got me thinking. We all tend to generalize, classify, label each other with words and attitudes. But aren't we all to complex, too individual, too different, for such treatment? The

days of recognizing one's gay

brother or sister is fast disappearing. The dress, the look, the manner in the way we walk, talk and live are blending into the whole of humanity and I for one am pleased. The obvious


gays who shout to the world




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their sexual preference may feel that the "straight" appearing gay is copping out denying his or her idenity. My answer (and I hope yours too) is that every person should be able to do their thing be obvious or closeted blatant or subdued gregarious or introverted promiscous or ... well, you got the idea. The most prejudiced people on earth today must be the gays towards each other. How often we hear, "Get her Mary trying to be butch" ... "What a nellie queen with her makeup and bleached hair" ... "He is trade today, but wait till you see him tomorrow with his legs in the air and his cocksucking mouth open" ... "Who does he think he is parading around with his girl trying to pass as straight" ...

had. Straights, bi's gays, and anything in between, rub elbows, asses and conversations without regard to who is what. To further this "free" atmosphere Hank may soon announce the appearance of

straight performers in the 'soon-to-be-opened downstairs lounge room. The first may be Miss S.J. Mendleson, who is completing a record-breaking two-month engagement at the Holiday Inn Beachwood (off Chagrin Blvd. and I-271). This great performer (a mix of Garland, Piaf, Midler and Bassey), has played similar allsex places in New York and L.A., and loves to play in this type of atmosphere (as do many other entertainers). Till now there was no place in town to let her do her thing until Traxx. Cheers to Hank for letting it happen. I hope this opens more situations like it, especially the new restaurant/bar now being remodeled in the basement of the Shaker Club. Oh, I know there are many readers who prefer the all-male gay atmosphere of a 620 and Vaults, and that's fine for them, but there are also guys and gals who like to mix in the free atmosphere of a Twiggy's, Traxx and New Dimensions, and that's fine too. There should be places for everyone's taste, interest, life-style and sexual preference. Until we come to realize this, we will splinter our efforts for acceptance from the Anita-fanciers of this country. Together we're strong apart we're wrong... but again if you have any opinions pro or conwrite! This is your paperno matter what you believe in, so let it all hang out! Here! Until next issue, remember do your thing swing your way there's no right or wrong in what you do as long as you are true to you.

"Who do you think she's kidding SeeAmerica.Find a friend.

married to a man and trickin' around with a dyke." Yes, we deride, chide, insult and even despise those around us who .don't conform to our idea of what a gay should be like. But the times, they are a changing. The openness of today's books, authors, newspapers, TV, records and radio and bars are helping to make the gay scene just another of living among millions of other ways of living. Kids accept it far better than their elders, and surprisingly, even religion, schools, and our parents, are becoming more and more broadminded about this life (or sex) style...which now leads to Traxx-the disco bar on West Ninth Street. Hank Berger, happily married to a beautiful gal, is running the only true sex place Cleveland has ever



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